The biggest enemy of technical companies is unexpected breakdowns. These unexpected shutdowns result in production losses and increased repair costs. They will also have an impact on customer relationships, quality, image damage, etc. They also freeze up ad hoc resources that must be removed during inspections and/or preventive work. One then often ends up in a spiral of reactive maintenance with a chaotic and costly organisation as a consequence.
This situation can be avoided by implementing a proactive organisation, that based on the expected failure mechanisms sets up a programme of inspections and predictive maintenance activities. This is also achieved by consistently carrying out this proactive plan.
THOR-Maintenance has developed a number of tools, formats and techniques that are used set up a proactive organisation in a highly efficient way. They are useful and efficient when for:
- Setting up and guidance of FME(C)A/RBI studies
- Setting up an equipment history linked to failure mechanisms
- Setting up a PdM programme
- Setting up Skills and Competence Management (Internal/External)
- Setting up a ‘Reliability’, ‘Availability’ and ‘Maintainability’ programme.
- Carrying out optimisation processes with SMED, 5S, Lean, etc.
- ...
These tools and formats originate from 30 years of experience in different branches of industry and with varying company sizes. They also take account of legal provisions and quality requirements applicable in the different branches of industry.
Do you want to know more about this?

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You can reach us on: +32 476 435 190